Good Practice Guidance

Good Practice Guidance

Introduction to Good Practice Guidance

The Street Works Guidance page exists to demonstrate to members, colleagues and all other interested parties of some of the initiatives that Street Works UK is undertaking and supporting in its ongoing mission to drive up street works standards across the UK.Street Works UK and utilities recognise that essential street works can sometimes cause disruption and Street Works UK, on its own and through its role on HAUC(UK),  has therefore driven a number of voluntary initiatives, delivering real benefits through a step-change in the quality and impact of street works. These include but are not limited to:


  • Good Practice Case Studies
  • The Street Works UK Vision for Street Works
  • HAUC(UK) Advice Notes
  • HAUC(UK) Code of Conduct
  • HAUC(UK) Operatives Leaflet
  • Local Government Association – What Good Looks Like
  • HAUC(UK) Principles of Good Collaboration
  • NEW Bristol Code of Conduct 2015


Street Works UK remains committed to continuing to raise standards of street works and reduce the unfortunate disruption that is sometimes caused. Street Works UK believes that the greatest benefits can be achieved through the effective and consistent implementation of existing regulation, with local authorities and utilities working together better to co-ordinate planned works, raise standards and reduce disruption.Please take the time to view some of these initiatives in greater detail.