Street Works UK responds to the Department for Transport’s Street Manager and Permit Scheme Changes consultation

27 Jul

In May 2021, the Department for Transport (DfT) published a consultation seeking views on the Department’s proposals for further reforms to legislation covering utility street and highway authority road works. These changes covered permit schemes and the data required for Street Manager.

Following in-depth consultation with its policy leads and members, Street Works UK has submitted a response.

Speaking on this, Clive Bairsto, Chief Executive of Street Works UK said:

“Street Works UK welcomes the Department for Transport’s consultation on Street Manager and Permit Scheme Changes. We are pleased that the Department is consulting on proposals to introduce flexi permits, which we believe will bring significant benefits to our members, allowing them to work more efficiently to deliver essential infrastructure upgrades.

Our response to the consultation provides an overarching representation of our members and the wider industry. As these proposals are implemented, we would welcome the opportunity to support the DfT and continue to share any further information as required.”