NJUG Associates Director talks innovation and collaboration

20 Feb

Anita Solanki recently delivered a presentation through her role as NJUG Associates Director at an event organised by Westminster Briefing. The event focused on Local Authority Highways Maintenance: Delivering Cost-Effective Improvements.

The event which took place on 15 February had attendees from several councils around England and Managing Directors from Supply Chain partners.

Anita’s presentation focused on

·         Benchmarking & efficiency: Hearing and sharing good practice with other Local Authorities

·         Collaborative working: insight from successful existing regional partnerships

·         Balancing public expectations of road maintenance with financial limitations

Paddy Kirwan Services Director for Local Highways commented “Anita’s presentation stirred up some interesting thoughts to all attendees, it also highlighted the continued opportunity for Highways and Utilities to continue their collaborative journey to deliver leading customer experience for clients and for their customers”

Anita’s presentation contained examples of great collaboration that deliver benefits for clients and customers. She noted in her presentation that the DfT are taking note of examples within the industry where there is collaboration and innovation, and are open to offering support, via funding, for ideas such as these.

For a copy of the presentations from the day please click here